Oily Sludge Treatment Plant is one of GN Solids Control’s core and new designs in past years and it is more and more popular among clients who have contracts in the oily sludge projects. Such sludge might come from an oil refinery, tank cleaning company or environment protection projects.

Oily sludge has to be treated well before disposal. Because in oily sludge, there are many different components, such as heavy oil, chemicals some even hideous, and also solids particles wrapped by oil and chemicals, and, some small proportion of water. Water should be reused, oil should be recycled, while particles should be reduced before dumping.

Oily sludge is not easy to be separated because of the high density and viscosity. There are several steps for separating the oily sludge, both physical and chemical methods should be taken. And GNOST Unit includes:

1. Shale Shaker Unit for choosing out the large particles from the sludge. Because the high viscosity sludge is difficult to separate, before the shaker, there is a pre-mixing tank with heating function and linked to the chemical dosing unit. Suitable chemicals and temperature could help the shaker to do the separation.

2. Decanter centrifuge is the second step for separation, which is used to handle the particles from 2 to 5 microns. And also, on centrifuge feeding pipelines, there is also a port for chemical dosing. A high speed centrifuge could remove most particles of suitable sizes.

3. Disc stack: we could regard the disc stack as a separator of solids, water and oil. Before entering the disc stack, there is quite few particles in the material, with quite fine sizes. The disc stack’s function is to choose those solids out and meanwhile, separate the water and oil.
After separation the oil and water could be collected separately for reuse and recycle.

Picture above is from a jobsite in domestic China, where the GNOST-15A oily sludge separation unit has been commissioned. If you need more information, welcome to contact GN directly.